2013 Jaguar C-X17

Origem: UK Reino Unido

Classe: Protótipo/Conceito

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Autor Mensagem

NL Desscythe17

2013-09-20 23:14
Mark0 escreveu
And they are better in quality. I just restored my 1980 Range Rover. There was no need to restore engine, it work great as the day it's made. But my friend bought new BMW X6 in 2008 and yesterday his gearbox brake down.

I have a friend who owns a lot of older Land Rovers, he says fixing them when they break down is child's play :)
I bet that your friend with the BMW has to pay a lot of money to a garage to fix it..

RB Mark0

2013-09-20 17:58
And they are better in quality. I just restored my 1980 Range Rover. There was no need to restore engine, it work great as the day it's made. But my friend bought new BMW X6 in 2008 and yesterday his gearbox brake down.

NL Desscythe17

2013-09-16 17:48
I don't get it either, I prefer a sleek coupé or a sedan or even a hatchback, but oh well. Too bad the real SUVs are disappearing, for example the Range Rover, it isn't even close to what it was in the seventies/eighties.

RB Mark0

2013-09-16 16:03
Whats wrong with people now? Everyone wants to drive SUV's.

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