1956-1971 Velorex 16

Origin: CZK Czechoslovakia

Class: Convertible

Made in:
CZ Solnice


16/175 8hp / 6kW 1963-1964
16/250 9hp / 7kW 1956-1963
16/350 16hp / 12kW 1963-1971


Author Message


2015-09-13 16:05
Only street legal car (although it looks like few motorbike parts mashed together and covered with rag) that have rag as a bodyshell.
They did them before 1955, but as a Os-Kar (Car on axis (osa)) 53.
Half of them were exported.
It appeared on Top Gear: www.imcdb.org/i203926.jpg and Jeremy didnt like it.
It had 4 gears forward and 4 reverse - engine could run on opposite way, so someone with suicide thoughts could theoretically ride in this 3-wheeled tent backwards at 85 km/h.
It had major role in movie Vrchní, prchni (Head waiter, get lost), when it was second car of main character with Lada.
Well, that are some facts about this interesting car.

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