1989 Dakar Rally



Author Message

NL Desscythe17

2023-03-24 17:37
Republic of Germany used the same flag as current Germany, so maybe it's not necessary?
PT Ford78

2023-03-24 17:24
Rinspeed, can you add Republic of Germany country, if possible? Until 1990, Germany was split in two countries: East Germany and Republic of Germany.

All finishers are added, I'm adding the retired drivers.

Source of entry List- scontent.flis9-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/96949146_2566213283640646_4276196390540935168_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_eui2=AeGTseIfCmuaj5qPpLIA4un8rDnYOwtwtkasOdg7C3C2RnpM_s_bD4XO-CESzLXqrA4VFRQ_mwusLIdBnfjrjBjt&_nc_ohc=m_Qn0RD4i0AAX_WfSPW&_nc_ht=scontent.flis9-1.fna&oh=00_AfCIAk-B02GEVnhpMARt-uiGRvcskkYHgzIT2u5t5DnOvg&oe=6444FB60


PT Ford78

2015-04-18 14:47
I added the driver #316 of Renault Espace which did not finish the race. The name of driver is unknown.

PT Ford78

2014-05-31 14:38
Driver 21 and 46 drove an Nissan Patrol Proto on Team Nissan Repsol Espaņa.
PT Ford78

2014-02-02 21:53
I found all finishers from 1979 until 2009:


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