2003-2004 Mazda Spiano SS

Origine : JP Japon

Catégorie : Berline à hayon 5 portes

Châssis: HE01


Présentation: ?

Production totale: ?

Design: ?

Fabriquée pour


Auteur Message

LB speedfreak975

2016-06-29 16:32
might not be a daihatsu but another kei car. not a mazda . i remember that rear fascia from Gran Turismo game if im not mistaken

NL Desscythe17

2016-06-29 15:28
speedfreak975 a écrit
this reminds me of a certain daihatsu

Which one? They are all on the site, so you only have to look.

LB speedfreak975

2016-06-29 14:29
this reminds me of a certain daihatsu

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