1992-2001 Hummer H1 (H1 4-Door Pickup)

Origine : US Etats-Unis

Catégorie : Pick-up


Présentation: ?

Production totale: ?

Design: ?

Fabriquée pour


Auteur Message

NL Desscythe17

2015-12-31 09:51
Could the rear picture be deleted?

FR Rinspeed

2014-11-06 17:13
Gamer a écrit
My mistake "High Gloss" isn't actually part of the name of the color. :/

There are other problems. I had see the site where you had the infos and there is clearly the paint by year so enter them correctly and don't put them 2 times. I erase them for the moment.
DE Gamer

2014-11-06 08:41
My mistake "High Gloss" isn't actually part of the name of the color. :/

-- Last edit: 2014-11-06 08:42:07

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